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Adding custom JS code to get fired before or after items are added to the wishlist

You have the opportunity to enhance the user experience before/after adding an item to the wishlist. Inject specific JavaScript or jQuery code that will execute immediately after the addition/removal, of the item to the wishlist allowing for dynamic and personalized responses. Use double quotation marks wherever you use a single quotation to encapsulate your code, enabling the seamless integration of tailored interactions.

To add custom JS code to be fired before or after items are added to the wishlist, follow the given below instructions. But, before proceeding further, ensure your plan is upgraded to Basic or above.

Go to the Dashboard page and within the quick access section find the settings that say “Custom CSS and Custom js/jQuery code” and then click on the Configure button.

You’ll be directed to the Advance Setting page as shown in the image below:

Locate the section marked with an arrow on the Advance Setting page. Within this section, put your custom js code according to your requirements i.e. After the item is added to your wishlist or After the item is removed from the wishlist.

Note*- Save your settings after adding the code in the custom js section.

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